Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BMI Android Application Project

Mobile Application Development

BMI Android Application Project

(Body Mask Index) or BMI

What is BMI ?

BMI Stand For Body Mask Index.And The Purpose of this App is to Calculate BMI value for users and give result based on the BMI.

The BMI is something we hear a lot about when measuring the amount of body fat a person is carrying.

This is because being obese is something that is bad for the heart.
The BMI formula helps an individual pinpoint where their weight stands.

For example,
they may be underweight, just right, overweight, or obese.
Of course, there is only one practical weight option there and that is to be just right.

By regularly using the BMI App,

you are able to adjust your eating habits so that you can fall in a more favorable area on the BMI scale. Most importantly,
it is good for your heart and it is good for your overall health.
If you are overweight It’s Give Daily Tips for Control your Weight.

It’s limit your Daily calorie amount

prevent type 2 diabetes, can help you prevent or reduce your chances of coronary artery disease,
and can also help you to prevent certain types of cancers.

BMI Application.

Your body mass index, or BMI, is something that is extremely important because it is your weight based on how tall you are.
For example, an individual may be 140 pounds at 5’2” and not be considered overweight. However, an individual at 5’2” is considered slightly overweight at 140 pounds.
This is the main interface of the BMI Application.

you can give you height either in inches, centimeters and weight in pounds or kilograms.
After user clicks the calculate Button it will automatically calculate the BMI value for perticular user and give the result.

This application is able to store the details of the BMI value results and if user is overweight it's give daily tips regurding your exercises and your recipies.
Provide you to massive Weight managment system that can be easilly achive.
Main aim for this application is good health.

Control Your Weight.

Changing the way you approach weight loss can help you be more successful at weight management.
BMI App store your previous BMI results.
If your are overweight you can set up a goal.

Any time you can compare your history of BMI results with current BMI Index.

Spend a Healthy Life with BMI Application. Give you'r Life to More meaning.

Group Members .

Ravi Samarasinghe.
Dushan Nilanka De Silva.

Thank You

BMI Chart

This is the BMI chart. by using this chart you can manually figure out in what Reagen are you.

This is the BMI formula. This BMI Caluculations are based on these formulas.

Control Your Weight.

Changing the way you approach weight loss can help you be more successful at weight management.

BMI App store your previous BMI results.
If your are overweigh you can set up a goal.

Any time you can compare your history of BMI results with current BMI Index.

Spend a Healthy Life with BMI Application. Give you'r Life to More meaning.

BMI Formula and Calculation

The Origin of BMI

The Body Mass Index is a old formula. Invented by the belgian mathematican Adolphe Quetelet in the 19. century. This means, it has the same older as the fomula by Paul Broca. The is the old method, simply substitue 100 of size in cm to get the normal weigth. Later this was reduzed by 10% to get ideal weight.

The Broca-Formula, named by Paul Broca, a frech doctor for the military, is very simple and everybody can calculate it without problems. Everybody born before 1975, can remember this formula, because it was used in his childhood.

BMI and science
But there is a problem with the Broca-Formula. When you need to compare a big group of humans, you need one value wich can compared with others. So the BMI is perfect for this. Size and weight togehter in one reference number.n.

American assurance
One urban myth is the origin of BMI at american assurance. They shall have invented the Body Mass Index to calculate health risk. Maybe they have used the BMI, but it's not invented by them.

Alternative to BMI
It would be much better to use the real fat rate. But this is much compplicated and only hightech medical equipment can make it exact. The simple solution in body fat scales with electric power is quite unaccurate. This is the reason of taking the BMI as simple value. Also in telephone interviews the poeaple can be asked for size and weight and the BMI can calculated.

BMI Formula

The Body Mass Index is calculated by the following formula:

body weight in Kilogramm divided by body height in Meter to the second
BMI = x KG / (y M * y M)

x=body weight in KG
y=body height in M

Example for 175 cm size and 70 kg weight:
BMI = 70 / (1,75 * 1,75) = 22,86

The resulting value is Kilogramm per Meter by the second or short KG/M2. In most cases this can be left. There is no really sense in this, because humans are no mathematical square. More about this also in BMI Criticism.

Tip for calculator:
If you try to use the formula in a hand calculator you get some problems. But with a little change it is be simple. So you can use:
weight / size / size
Example for 70 kg weight and 1,75 m size:
70 / 1,75 / 1,75 = 22,86

Step by step:

1.weight in kg
2./ (divided by)
3.size in m
4./ (divided by
5.size in m

you can give you height either in inches, centimeters and weight in pounds or kilograms.
After user clicks the calculate Button it will automatically calculate the BMI value for particular user and give the result.

This application is able to store the details of the BMI value results and if user is overweight it's give daily tips regarding your exercises and your recipies.
Provide you to massive Weight management system that can be easily achieve.

Main aim for this application is good health.

BMI Categories: According To BMI Value

Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Body Mask Index Application

Aim For A Healthy Life

Mobile Application Development

BMI Android Application Project

(Body Mask Index) or BMI

What is BMI ?

BMI Stand For Body Mask Index.And The Purpose of this App is to Calculate BMI value for users and give result based on the BMI.
The BMI is something we hear a lot about when measuring the amount of body fat a person is carrying.
This is because being obese is something that is bad for the heart.
The BMI formula helps an individual pinpoint where their weight stands.

For example,
they may be underweight, just right, overweight, or obese.
Of course, there is only one practical weight option there and that is to be just right.

By regularly using the BMI App,
you are able to adjust your eating habits so that you can fall in a more favorable area on the BMI scale. Most importantly,

It is good for your heart and it is good for your overall health.
If you are overweight It’s Give Daily Tips for Control your Weight.

It’s limit your Daily calorie amount

prevent type 2 diabetes, can help you prevent or reduce your chances of coronary artery disease,
and can also help you to prevent certain types of cancers.

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